12. CREATE A DATAFRAME RESULTDF, CONTAINS Solution :- import pandas as pddata = {‘Arnab’:[90,91,97,95],
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12. CREATE A DATAFRAME RESULTDF, CONTAINS Solution :- import pandas as pddata = {‘Arnab’:[90,91,97,95],
Read more11. CREATE A DATAFRAME RESULTDF, CONTAINS Solution :- import pandas as pddata = {‘Arnab’:[90,91,97,95],
Read more10. Create a Dataframe Forest dFrameForest. Solution :- import pandas as pddata = {‘State’:[‘Assam’,’Delhi’,’Kerala’],‘GrossArea’:[78438,1483,38852],‘DenseForestArea’:[2792.00,6.72,1663.00]}df = pd.DataFrame(data)print(df.loc[0:2,[‘State’,’DenseForestArea’]]) Output :-
Read more8.A list stores three dictionaries each storing details (old price, new price, change). Write a Python program to create a
Read more6.Write a Python program to create a Dataframe Score containing following data :– Solution :- import pandas as pddict
Read more5. Create a series object marks, containing marks of 6 students. Write a Python program to sort the values of
Read more4.Write a program to create a data series and then change the indexes of the Series object in any random
Read more3. Write a Python program to create a Series object with 6 random integers and having vowel characters as indexes.
Read more2. Write python code to find out the areas that are more than 50000 km2.The series Area has been created
Read more1. Write python code to find out the biggest and smallest three items from the given Series. The series Area
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