Write a SQL command
to Create a table Bank.

Table :- 


-> How to Create database Bank

Solution :- 

Create database Bank;


-> Access database.

Solution :- 

use Bank;

-> How to Create a Table.


Create table Bank
AccNo int primary key not null,
Cust_name varchar(100)not null,
FD_amount int not null,
months int not null,
int_rate decimal(5,2),
Fd_date date);

-> Describe the Structure Bank.

Solution :- 

desc Bank;

-> How to insert data into Bank table.

Solution :- 

Insert into bank values(1001,’Aman’,30000,36,6.00,’2018-07-01′);
Insert into bank values (1002,’Nishant’,50000,48,6.75,’2018-03-22′);
Insert into bank (AccNo,Cust_name,Fd_Amount,Months,Fd_Date)values (1003,’Harish’,30000,36,’2018-03-22′);
Insert into bank values (1004,’Sudha’,80000,60,8.25,’2017-06-12′);
Insert into bank values (1005,’Uma’,20000,36,6.50,2017-01-31);
Insert into bank values (1006,’Prakash’,70000,60,8.25,2018-06-15);
Insert into bank (AccNo,Cust_name,Fd_Amount,Months,Fd_Date)values (1007,’Monu’,50000,48,’2018-07-05′);
Insert into bank values(1008,’hardik’,60000,48,6.75,’2017-04-02′);
Insert into bank values (1009,’Shreya’,40000,42,6.50,’2018-06-15′);
Insert into bank values (1010,’Yash’,25000,36,6.50,’2018-09-27′);

->Display the Structure of the table bank.

Solution :- 

Desc bank;

-> Display the details of all the bank.

Solution :- 

Select * from bank;

-> Display the AccNo , Cust_name and FD_amount.

Solution :-

Select accno,cust_name,fd_amount from bank; 


-> Display the details of all the FD’s having maturity time is less than 40 months.

Solution :-

Select * from bank where months<40; 

-> Display the AccNo and Fdamount which started before 01-04-2018.

Solution :-

select accno,fd_amount from bank where fd_date<‘2018-04-01’;

-> Display details of all FD whose rate of interest are NULL.

Solution :- 

Select * from bank where int_rate is NULL;

-> Display details of all FD whose rate of interest is NOT NULL.

Solution :- 

Select * from Bank where int_rate is not null;

-> Display amounts of various FD from the table Bank.An FD Amount should appear only once.

Solution :-

Select distinct(FD_amount)from bank;

-> Display the number of Months of various loans from the table Bank. A month should appear only once.

Solution :- 

Select distinct(Months) from bank;

->Display the customer name and FD amount for all the bank which do not have a number of month is 36.

Solution :- 

Select cust_name , fd_amount from bank where months <>36;

-> Display the Customer Name and FD Amount for which the FD amount is more than 50,000 or int_rate is more than 7.

Solution :- 

Select cust_name,fd_amount from bank where fd_amount>50000 and Int_rate > 7.00;

-> Display the detail of all FD which started in the year 2018.

Solution :- 

Select * from bank where year(fd_date)=2018;

->Display the details of all FD whose FD_amount is in the range 40000 to 50000.

Solution :-

Select * from bank where fd_amount in(40000,50000); 

->Display the details of all FD whose rate of Interest is in the range 6% to 7%.

Solution :- 

Select * from bank where int_rate >=6.00 and int_rate <=7.00;

-> Display the customer name and fd amount for all the loans for which the number of month is 24,36 or 48(using in operator)

Solution :- 

Select cust_name , fd_amount from bank where months in(24,36,48);

-> Display the account number customer name and fd amount for all the FD for which the customer name end with “ant”.

Solution :- 

Select * from bank where cust_name like ‘%ant’;

->Delete the records of “Shreya”,

Solution :- 

delete from bank where cust_name = ‘Shreya’;

-> Add another column Maturity_amt of type integer in the Bank table.

Solution :- 

alter table bank add maturity_amt int;

-> To find the average FD amount.label the column as “Average FD Amount”.

Solution :- 

Select avg(fd_amount)”Average FD amount”from bank;

-> To find the average FD amount. which started in the year 2018.

Solution :- 

select sum(fd_amount) from bank where year(fd_date)=2018;

-> update Maturity amount of all the bank of Customers.

Solution :- 

update bank set maturity_amt=((fd_amount)*months*int_rate)/(12*100);

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