Ch-1 Nature and Significance of Management textbook solution
CH-1 Nature and Significance of Management
Q.1 Select the correct alternative and write answer to the following questions :
1. Art of getting work done from others is known as
(A) Planning
(B) Management
(C) Directing
(D) Co-ordinating
2. What type of activity is management?
(A) Universal
(B) Inefficient
(C) Defining objectives
(D) Transparent
3. What is the method that puts knowledge easily into practice called?
(A) Profession
(B) Science
(C) Art
(D) Direction
4. What does management association frame for its own profession?
(A) Inconsistency
(B) Improper
(C) Code of conduct
(D) Decisions
5. How many levels of management are there?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
6. Who are included in top level management?
(A) Experts
(B) Workers
(C) Departmental heads
(D) Board of Directors
7. What is the other name for bottom level management?
(A) Functional level
(B) Worker’s level
(C) Policy making level
(D) Officer’s level
8. Who among the following is not included in any of the level of management?
(A) Supervisor
(B) Jobber
(C) Worker
(D) Accountant
9. If planning is the brain of business then what is organization?
(A) Heart
(B) Limbs
(C) Structure
(D) Blood
10. Which of the following is the function of marketing management?
(A) Distribution of income
(B) Production
(C) Product-mix
(D) Use of finance
11. Which of the following is not included in Human Resource Management?
(A) Repairing and maintenance
(B) Training and development
(C) Promotion and transfer
(D) Recruitment and selection
Q.2 Answer the following questions in one sentence each :
(1) What is management?
Ans :-
-> Management is the art of getting things done through others.
-> Management is a function of achieving predetermined objectives of a business unit with the use of minimum time and cost as well by making efficient use of available resources.
(2) In which activities management is necessarry?
Ans :-
1. Industries,
2. religion,
3. defense, management
4. society,
5. politics,
6. education, and
7. sports.
(3) Which level of management has the supreme authority to manage the business?
Ans :-
Top level management.
(4) What is other name of middle level of management?
Ans :-
Officer’s level
(5) Which level of management follows the order and instruction given by chief executive officer?
Ans :-
Middle level management.
(6) Which level of management does the function of machinery layout and repairing?
Ans :-
Low level management.
(7) What are the elements included in product-mix?
Ans :-
Appearance of the product, colour of the product, size of the product, shape of the product, weight of the product, print on the product, packing of the product, guarantee of work, after-sales service, variety of product, etc.
(8) Give the full form of IIM.
Ans :-
Indian Institute of Management
(9) Give the full form of MBA.
Ans :-
Management of business administration
(10) Give the full form of CEO.
Ans :-
Chief Executive Officer
Q.3 Answer the following questions in short :
(1) State any two functions performed at the top level management.
Ans :-
-> The top level management the supreme authority of the management of an enterprise.
The Function performed by the top level management are :-
- To lay down primary and subsidiary objectives of business.
- The directors act as the trustees of the business enterprise.
- To select Chief Executive Officer and higher officers and to assign them authority and responsibility.
- To sanction the budget for different departments of the business unit.
- To abide by law and to take care of interest of different stakeholders of the business.
- To take strategic decisions by making long term plans.
- To analyse and resolve complex problems of management as per legal provisions.
(2) How does management benefit the society?
Ans :-
Social benefit:
- A business is done while remaining in the society and for the interest of the society.
- Management makes uses of resources such as manpower, knowledge gained from the society, etc. available in the society and then works in the favour of the society.
- When the business earns success it in turn increases the wealth and welfare of society. For example, with time, development and competition business units produce goods and services at low cost for the people. This results into welfare of the entire society.
(3) What is planning?
Ans :-
- Planning means selecting of facts for obtaining the desired results and establishing inter -relationship between them, as well as observing necessary activities for forecasting and anticipating the future of business is called planning.
- Planning is the first step of management.It is necessary to reduce the risks and uncertainities involved in the future.
- Planning consists of deciding well in advance as what work has to be done, who will do what, when, how, to what extent and when will the work be finished for achieving predetermined objectives.
(4) What is organisation?
Ans :-
- Organisation is a structure for the assignment of authority and responsibility among individuals working for the achievement of common objectives.
- Objectives, policy, programme, etc. are decided through planning.
- The activities of business are divided among different sections and various groups of people for the accomplishment of objectives.
- Under organizing, various sections and groups of people are allotted various business activities so that the objectives can be fulfilled.
- The structure of organization decides on matters like who will supervise, who will have authority and responsibility of work, inter-relationship among individuals, etc.
(5) What is co-ordination?
Ans :-
- To task of maintaining co-ordination and harmony among the different functions carried out by different departments in the business unit is called co-ordination.
- Although co-ordination is not a function of management but it is required at each and every stage of management.
- It is necessary right from the planning stage to controlling.
(6) Who are included in the top level management?
Ans :-
Board of Directors, Managing Directors, General Manager, Chief Executive Officer, etc.
(7) Which are the main elements of marketing management?
Ans :-
The main function of marketing management is to get information about the market demand.
(8) Discuss various elements of price-mix.
Ans :-
The price mix refers to the various components or elements that businesses consider when setting the price for their products or services. It involves a combination of factors that influence the overall pricing strategy. Here are various elements of the price mix:
(1) Costs
(2) Demand
(3) Competitor Pricing
(4) Consumer Perception
(5) Market Conditions
(6) Objectives
(7) Distribution Channel Margins
(9) Discuss about staffing.
Ans :-
- It is said that “Employees are arms and legs (limbs) of unit.”
According to Dr. George Terry, “Staffing is concerned with availing and maintaining satisfactory manpower.” - Every business organization requires staff. Hence, staffing is a very important function of management. An organization without staff is like a mere skeleton. Activities of all businesses depend on their staff.
- The function of staffing is to recruit employees for the right position, at the right time, in the right number, with the right qualification. It also includes selection, training, transfer, promotion, dismissal, retirement and welfare activities of employees.
- This function is carried out by the Human Resource Department of the business organization.
- Staffing also monitors the output of work of each employee. It also listens to the problems of the employees. This helps in maintaining the enthusiasm and zeal of employees. Enthusiasm for work and comfortable and encouraging work environment leads to increase in productivity and efficiency of the organization.
- Today staffing also includes man-power planning, human resource development, evaluation of work, job analysis, etc. It is a highly known fact that a satisfied staff is an invaluable asset of the business.
Q.4 Answer the following question in breif:
(1) Discuss the importance of management.
Ans :-
- Management has great Importance in the modern time.
- Success or failure of any business activity depends on its management.
The importance of management is made clear by the following points:
1. Necessary in Every field:
- Management is required not only in business activity but also in all type of activities like religion, defense, society, politics, education, sports etc.
- Management functions like planning, organization, direction, and control are required in all these activities.
2. Optimum utilization of resources:
- Management’jmakes it possible to take the optimum utilization of the business resources like land, capital, raw material, and personnel and machinery.
- It.avoids wastage of resources.
3.Accomplishment of objectives:
- Management is necessary for the accomplishment of objectives.
- Management makes it possible to take optimum utilization of resources which helps to achieve business objectives.
4.Useful for the Success of Business:
- In the success of a business unit, contribution of management is more as compared to other elements in the success of a business unit.
- Success or failure of a business depends on management.
- If a small scale industry can convert itself into a large scale industry, then its entire credit goes to management.
- Efficient management helps to convert a loss making unit a profit making unit.
5.Increase in job opportunities:
- If management is efficient, the firm soon develops itself in the form of company where as inefficient management becomes responsible for closure of many companies which leads to further increase in unemployment.
6.Increase in Profit:
- Generally business units work with the motive of profit.
- Competent and proficient managers, with their insight and proficiency, make the maximum and most economical utilization of available resources and earn maximum profit.
- Therefore, it is rightly said that profit is the barometer for the efficiency and success of business.
7.Social Benefit:
- Every business is carried out as a part of society and for the interest of society.
- By using resources of the society, management works in the favor of the society.
- Success of any business increases the wealth and welfare of society.
- Business units produce goods and services at low cost.
- This provides goods at reasonable rate which results into welfare of the entire society.
8.National Motive:
- Management is essential to take maximum utilization of untapped human resources and factors of production for the economical, social ancl national development of an economy.
(2) Explain: Management as a profession
Ans :-
Management as a profession:
- Profession is an activity where specialized knowledge in specific field is acquired and it is used for the welfare of the entire society. In return, a fee is charged. Doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, engineers, etc. are professionals.
- Today’s business management is also handled by people who are trained and expert in the field. In other words they are thorough professionals. In this sense, management is also considered as a profession.
1. Requirements of Specialized Knowledge. :
- As per nature of profession, specialized knowledge is required in it. E.g.: L.L.B degree for the profession of lawyer.
- MBBS, MD or MS degree is necessary for the profession of doctor.
- Same as BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), MBA (Master of Business Administration) degrees are necessary for the specialized knowledge of management.
2. Increase in knowledge and Research:
- Like other professions, in management too, due to experience and training there is increase in knowledge and research.
3. Professional Association:
- All professionals form their associations.
- Management, in the same way, has its_own association too.
- It gives education and training of management.
- IIM (Indian Institute of Management) imparts management education in India.
- If is working at national and international level.
- This institute works for the development of the profession of management.
4. Implementation of Code of Conduct:
- Each’of the profession associations frames code of conduct for its members.
- It is mandatory for all members to follow the code of conduct.
5. Moral Responsibility:
- Moral responsibility is an important factor in any profession.
- All the professionals must be loyalJto their profession and need to fulfill their moral responsibility.
-> E.g.: A Chartered Accountant must be loyal to his clients and should not disclose any information of his client.
From these characteristics we can conclude that management has evolved and is also yet evolving as an independent profession for the benefit of individual, society and the mankind.
(3) Explain functions performed by top level management.
Ans :-
- The top level (or higher level) management is the supreme authority for managing the enterprise.
- Board of in Directors , Managing . Directors, General Manager, Chief Executive Officers (CEO).
- Importance policy decisions of business unit are taken by top level management.
- The top management takes important policy decisions for the business unit.
- To lay down primary and subsidiary objectives of business.
- The directors act as the trustees of the business enterprise.
- To select Chief Executive Officer and higher officers and to assign them authority and responsibility.
- To sanction the budget for different departments of the business unit.
- To abide by law and to take care of interest of different stakeholders of the business.
- To take strategic decisions by making long term plans.
- To analyse and resolve complex problems of management as per legal provisions.
- To draft plans for the enterprise, implement them and to supervise them.
- To conduct functions like distribution of profit, dividend, reserve fund, re-investment of profit, etc.
- To analyse reports of different activities and to instruct further activities accordingly.
(4) Give difference between levels of management. (Any five points)
Ans :-
No. | Headings | Top Level Management |
Middle Level Management |
Bottom Level Management |
(1) | Management and Administatrion | Proportion of management is more and administration is less. | Proportion of management is less and administration is more. | Proportion of management is too less and administration is the maximum. |
(2) | Includes | Board of directors, Managing directors and General manager are in cluded for formation of policy. | Departmental officers, experts of various fields are included in it. | Supervisors, jobbers, foremen are included in it |
(3) | Authority and Responsibility | Authority and Responsibility both are more. | Comparatively less authority whereas responsibility is limited to departments only. | Least authority while responsibility is limited to subdivisions only. |
(4) | Number of Members | Less number of members at top level. | Compared to top level more number of mem- bers are more at middle level | Compared to top and middle level, there are more number of members. |
(5) | Competence | All round development is required. | Specialised knowledge is required. | Requirement of knowledge for one's own department and sub department. |
(6) | Formation of objectives and policies | This level formulates basic objectives and policy of company. | This level implements policy formulated by the top level management. | This level implements policies and decisions framed by top level and middle level management. |
(7) | Accountability | This level is accountable towards shareholders, creditors, Government departments, legal pro- visions, etc. | Middle level is account- able towards top level | Bottom level is account- able towards middle level. |
(8) | Decisions | Decisions taken by this level are more risky and comparatively more far-reaching to a large extent. | Decision taken by this level are less risky and far reaching. | Decisions taken by this level are least risky and far-reaching. |
(5) Discuss the importance of co-ordination
Ans :-
- Coordination makes management functions like planning, organizing, directing, |controlling, etc. effective.
- Coordination makes possible, all the business activities in an easy manner.
- Coordination leaves no work incomplete and no possibility of the duplication ofwork.
- Coordination maintains harmony among various departments of management.
- Coordination enables to maintain a balance between order and time of business activities performed by various departments.
- Coordination leads towards the accomplishment of pre-decided objectives
(6) Discuss the importance of human resource management.
Ans :-
Importance of Human Resource Management:
- Efficiency of employees tends to increase.
- Profitability of the business increases.
- Business prestige is maintained.
- Higher standards for the quality of goods or services are maintained.
- Feeling of oneness (unity] among employees in developed.
- Maximum utilization of factors of production is possible.
- Reduction in labour turnover rate is seen.
- Job satisfactions among the employees are enhanced.
- Due to human resource management, employees get job satisfaction which finally turns into an environment ofindustrial peace.
(7) What are the functions of financial management?
Ans :-
Financial Management:
Financial management is the process of dealing with all the finance related functions of the business.
- The function of acquisition, utilization and allocation of capital is called financial function or financial management.
- Finance is the lifeblood of business. No activity is possible without finance.
- Finance is required for the establishment, development, expansion and modernization of a business.
Following functions are included in financial management:
- To estimate the financial needs.
- To make financial plans from the point of view of time duration.
- To prepare budget.
- To allocate funds.
- To decide capital structure and to select sources of acquisition of capital.
- To carry out the procedure for acquiring the finance.
- To see that required funds are properly utilised and to keep control over financial activities.
- To form financial policy.
- To plan for taxes.
- To make arrangement of assets.
Q.5 Answer the following questions in detail .
(1)Define management and explain its characteristics.
Ans :-
Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources.
Following characteristics of management are to be kept in mind in order to understand the concept and nature of management:
1. Universal Process:
- Management is a universal process.
- Management is Required where people are working in group for the accornplishmenrof objectives.
- Management is not only required in industries but also can be applied in various social and religious feilds and activity like agriculture, army, education etc.
- Management activity is seen in the units of each feild and different department of these units.
2. Goal Oriented Activity :-
- Management is took and not the attainment.
- Every business unit is established to achieve certain objectives.
- Management is necessary to achieve these objectives in a competent and economical way.
3. Group Activity :-
- Management is a collective,activity carried out by two or more people.
- Management is required where two or more people are working together for the accomplishment of pre-determined objectives.
4.Continuous Process:
- Management is a continuous process.
- Management is goal oriented yet it does not stop after the achievement of objectives.
- New objectives and targets are decided by the business units.
- The”cycle oFdefining objectives, achieving them and re-defining them continuously goes on.
5.Human Process:
- Management process is limited to human activities.
- Human element is the most significant element in management.
- Man is in the center of management.
- Other means of production are useless without management.
- Management is done by the human being and for the human being.
- Thus, management is a human process which is done by and for the man.
6. Decision Process :-
- Decision process is a function of management.
- No work can be done without taking decisions.
- After taking decision, management has to proceed to implement it.
- Thus decision process is a function of management.
7. Science, Arts and Profession:
- Like science, management has its own rules or principles.
- Hence many writers consider management as a science.
- Man is an important factor of management therefore getting work done from him, requires.proficiency, intelligence, cleverness and insight ‘.
- It is known as ‘Art’ of getting theworlTdone. ~~
- Management of a modern business unit is handed over to trained and expert people.
- In recent time, managers have also adopted professionalism like lawyers, doctors , CA.
- Thus it is clear that management is a profession too.
(2) Draw a diagram of different levels of management. Also explain its functions
Ans :-
- As long as the size of a business unit remains small, the owner himself is able to manage it.
- As soon as the size of a business unit expands, the number of employees in the business also increases.
- The superior officer cannot supervise all his subordinates directly; therefore delegation of authority has to be done. –
- Various levels of management are created due to the delegation of authority.
- The more of these levels of management exist, the higher will be the expensive.
- As a result, control as well co-ordination become difficult.
- Therefore, as much as possible, the levels of management should be kept limited.
There are three levels of management:
1. Top Level Management
2. Middle Level Management
3. Bottom Level Management.
Top level management
- The top level management the supreme authority of the management of an enterprise.
- Board of Directors, Managing Directors, General Manager, Chief Executive Officers is Included in this level.
- Important policy decisions of business unit are taken by top level management.
- It is known as Top Level or Higher Level of Management.
- To lay down primary and subsidiary objective of business.
- Directors act as the trustees of the business enterprise.
- To select Chief Executive Officer and higher officers and to assign them authority and responsibility.
- To sanction the budget prepared by different departments.
- To abide by law and to take care of interest of different stakeholders of the business.
- To take strategic decisions by making long term plans.
- To analyse and resolve complex problems of management as per legal provisions.
- To plan for the enterprise, its implementation and to supervise it.
- To do the function like distribution of profit, dividend, reserve fund, re-investment of profit, etc.
- To analyse reports of different activities and to give instructions accordingly.
The Middle Level Management
- The middle level management is an important link between top level and bottom level of management.
- Departmental officers, divisional officers and experts are included in it.
- For Eg production, sale, purchase, finance, personnel, accounts officers, etc.
- This level is also known as Officer’s Level.
Function :-
- To implement the orders and instructions given by Chief Executive officers.
- To prepare budget by each departmental head and present it before the top level management.
- To formulate policies, rules and structure for the accomplishment of enterprise objectives. To decide necessary method for it, to analyse it and to decide appropriate measures on criterion for it.
- To take necessary steps to increase efficiency and effectiveness of departmental activities.
- To make attempt to motivate the employees of department.
- To keep in constant touch with the officers of the other departments and establish co-ordination.
- To focus on functioning of sub-divisions.
- To supervise the working of the departments, get information, provide directions and pass on information to the top level management.
- To help the top level management in taking policy decisions.
The bottom level of management:
- Supervisors, jobbers and foreman are included at this level of management.
- This level is also known as Bottom Level or Supervisor’s level.
- Decisions and policies decided by top level management are actually implemented by this level therefore this level is also known as Functional/Operational level of Management.
- Supervisors working at this level are representatives of management.
- At this level, management functions are performed less while administrative work is more.
Function :-
- To supervise function of employees.
- To see that there remains discipline among employees and their moral is boosted.
- To plan routine work of the department.
- To perform functions related to employees like transfer, promotion, training, etc.
- To get instructions, orders and programme from the departmental officers to carry out the departmental functions.
- To perform the function like the layout, repairing and maintenance of machinery.
- To make arrangement for necessary equipments, raw-materials, etc. for the workers.
- To solve the genuine problems of workers.
- To implement decision and policies decided by top level of management.
- To forward reports of various activities taking place at the bottom level, suggestions and complaints of employees to the middle level of management
(3) Define co-ordination and explain characteristics of it.
Ans :-
- To task of maintaining co-ordination and harmony among the different functions carried out by different departments in the business unit is called co-ordination.
- Although co-ordination is not a function of management but it is required at each and every stage of management.
- It is necessary right from the planning stage to controlling.
Characteristics of co-ordination:
- Co-ordination is required for all the activities, right from planning to controlling. As a result, none of the management process is possible without co-ordination.
- Co-ordination is required at every level of management.
Success of co-ordination depends upon effective communication.
Co-ordination is not possible without co-operation. Co-operation of employees engaged in different activities is necessary to maintain co-ordination among various activities of the organization. - Co-ordination makes possible optimum utilization of business resources.
- Co-ordination is a part of every activity of management. Therefore co-ordination is considered soul of management.
Importance of co-ordination:
- Co-ordination makes management functions like planning, organizing, directing, controlling, etc. effective.
- Co-ordination makes possible smooth functioning of all the business activities.
- When there is proper co-ordination then neither any work remains incomplete nor any work gets duplicated.
- Co-ordination maintains harmony among various departments of management.
- Co-ordination enables to maintain a balance between order and time of business activities performed by various departments.
- Co-ordination enables accomplishment of pre-decided objectives.
(4)Define marketing management and explain its functions.
Ans :-
- In a broad sense, marketing management is the activity of providing goods ar services from producers to customers.
- Marketing management includes exchange of goods with money as well as market research, distributive method, sales promotion, storage, insurance, etc.
- Marketing management is such a process which decides the necessity of customers.
- It is converted into goods or services and then these goods or services are finally made available to the customer, consumer or user.
- Thus it can satisfy the needs of a particular customer or group of such people.
- It gives importance to optimum utilization of resources and profitability of the organization.
- Marketing management aims at creating demand for goods or services.
- The main elements are goods or services, physical distribution policy, price policy. increase in sale, packaging etc.
Functions :
1. Product or Product mix:
- The decision regarding development of new product or existing product includes appearance, colour, size, shape, weight, print, packing, guarantee of work, after sales service, variety of product, etc.
2. Price:
- In modern time a customer expects availability of better quality goods at reasonable rate.
- Therefore utmost care should be taken while deciding the price of the product.
- The price decision includes sales policy, credit policy, policy regarding discount, wholesale or retail sale and also commission to mediators, etc. are also considered.
3.Distribution :
- Distribution mix include decisions regarding various ways of selling like direct selling, through the wholesaler, retailers, agents, as well as problems related to transportation etc.
- Distribution mix is related to the size and scope of a business unit.
4. Promotion :
- Promotion aims at remarkable increase in sale.
- It includes the matters like advertisement, publicity, selling through salesmen, ways and means to attract customers and traders etc.
- Though promotion mix is expensive, it leads to increase in sale, which results into higher profitability.
(5) Define human resource management and explain its functions.
Ans :
Every business unit takes care of its assets like land, building, machinery, furniture and vehicles.
- Employees working in the business unit are its live asset.
- Therefore it is necessary to take care of them.
- Success of a business depends on the employees.
- Business objectives can easily and successfully achieved if their needs are satisfied,helpful environment is provided and proper care is taken.
- Human resource management is the process, which takes into consideration matters like proficiency, knowledge, intelligence, likes and dislikes, personal development, necessity, etc. of employees, connects them with business objectives and channelizes the business towards the path of success and profitability.
- Human resource management includes selection, training, promotion and direction to the employees.
- Human resource management enables to accomplish business objectives by way of connecting them with individual objectives& business objectives.
- Basic function of human resource management is to manage the employees as they are valuable assets of the business,
- It provides proper training and thus develops team for the job.
- Human resource management evaluates performance of the employees and places them at right position.
- Efficient management can reduce labour turnover rate and can maintain skillful employees for a longer period in company.
- As part of human resource management, helpful atmosphere is provided to employees, which ultimately boosts their enthusiasm and efficiency.
- The values of the company are maintained and objectives are achieved.
(6)Define production management and explain its functions.
Ans :-
Production management:
The process which includes planning for production, deciding programmes, maintaining co-ordination, direction and keeping control is called production c management.
The process of converting naturally available raw material into consumable finished goods with the help of human efforts is known as production:
Production management takes care that the goods and services produced are capable of satisfying the needs of the customers.
Following functions are included in production management:
- To decide production plan.
- To undertake production researh.
- To select product development as well as product-mix.
- To select technology and machinery for production.
- To take decisions regarding selection of location for production as well as its layout.
- To estimate material and other needs for production.
- To control production activity.
- To control product quality.
- To undertake activities for controlling expenditure maintaining and increasing productivity.
- To introduce variety of products and simplify production process

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