Class 9th CBSE

Chapter :- 7 HTML – Introduction

Chapter :- 7 HTML - Introduction

Q.1 Tick the correct option.

1.The language used to make web pages is ________.


(b) HTML

(c) Scratch

2. The file extension by which HTML files are identified is ________

(a) .html

(b) .exe

(c) .hmt

3. The program used to code HTML and create web pages is ________.

(a) Text Editor

(b) Text Writer

(c) Text Reader

4. The text with special instruction in HTML is called _______.

(a) Syntax

(b) Tag

(c) Command

5. The software that displays the resulting web pages is _______

(a) Web Explorer

(b) Web Browser

(c) Website

6. The sign used for closing a tag is ___________.

(a) /

(b) \

(c) *


Q.2 Write True and False

1. HTML5 is not a case sensitive language. True
2.HTML document can contain both text and graphics. True
3.Notepad is a text editor to create a web page. True
4.<\HTML> is an opening tag of an HTML document.False
5.Apple Safari, Mozila Firefox and Opera are example of a Web browser. True

Q.3 Fill in the blanks.

1. HTML was developed by Tim bernerlee in early 1990s.
2. HTML stand for Hypertext markup language.
3. HTML5 is Cross platform because it work on Tablets or smartphone,Notebooks.
4. The specific instruction given by each tag is enclosed by angular brackets <>.
5. Entities are preceded by an ampersand(&) and followed by a semicolon(;)

Q.4 Define the following.

1. Attributes :- Attributes go inside the HTML tag and it is a good form to enclosed attribute value in quotation mark (” “)
2. Entities :- Entities are the special character that you can add to a web page by using special codes Eg :- copyright symbols.

Q.5 Answer in 1-2 sentence

1. What is HTML?
Ans :- HTML is a language which is used to make webpages to be displayed on the Internet.

2. What are semantic tags?
Ans :- Semantic tags enables you to describe the different parts of your webpages.

3. What do you mean by DOCTYPE?
Ans :- The Doctype declaration at the beginning of your page specificies that the document is written in HTML5.

4. What does rendering HTML5 mean?
Ans :- When a browser displays a web page. It reteieves the HTML file, reads the html tag and displays the page.

Q.6 Answer Breifly

1. What are the main feature of HTML?

Ans :- 

(1) It is not a case sensitive language.

(2) It is saved .htm or .html file extension.

(3) It is written in text Editors like notepad,wordpad etc.


2. How will you avoid syntax error while written an HTML code?

Ans :-  Make sure your tags have brackets , closing tag include and a attribute values are surrounded by quatation marks  and closing tag should be in the reverse order of the opening tag.


3. What is a web browser ? Name some popularly used web browsers.

Ans :- A web browser is a software that display the resulting web pages Eg :- Internet explorer, mozila firefox , apple  and opera etc.

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