Class 9th CBSE

Chapter :- 6 Internet – Ethics and Safeguard

Chapter :- 6 Internet - Ethics and Safeguard

Q.1 Tick the corrcet option

1. A collection of web pages related to same topic is called ________.

(a) Website 

(b) Webserver

(c) Home Page

2. ________ is a company that provide access to the Internet for a montly fee.

(a) Link

(b) ISP 

(c) Browser

3. The unique address of a web page is known as ______

(a) Portal 

(b) URL

(c) Website 

4. A ______ name is the text version of an IP address.

(a) First 

(b) Last

(c) Domain 

5. A software that installs on your computer without your consent is ________.

(a) Cookies 

(b) Spyware 

(c)  Keyloggers

6. _________ are irritating while web browsering and can also cause viruses on your computer.

(a) Antivirus 

(b) Pop-up Ads 

(c) Vulnerability

7. _____ are small text message that a browser stores on computer to keep track of websites.

(a) Cookies 

(b) Spam 

(c)  Spyware

Q.2 Write True or False

1.Internet is one of the largest networks that links million and trillions of computer. True
2. IP address uniquely identifies the location of each computer connected to the Internet.True
3. Web pages can include a collection of text,image,sound and video.True
4. Spam involves sending important message to a large number of recipients False
5. You should click on ‘yes’ when your web browser ask to remember the password.False
6. Social Engineering is the art of convincing people to reveal confidential information. True

Q.3 Fill in the blanks

1. A Web Portal is a special designed website that offers a variety of internet services from a single,convient location.
2. A link is a built-in connection to another related Web page or the part of a Web page
3. IP address has four groups of numbers that are separated by a period(.)
4. Viruses are the program which are created deliberated to damage data on the Web.
5. Keylogger records keystrokes you make, to enter the data in the computer in a hidden file.
6. Hacker refers to someone who accesses a computer to network illegally.

Q.4 Define the following.

1.Domain Name :- A domain name is the text version of an IP address. For example

2. Vulnerabilities :- Vulnerabilities are flaws in computer software that create weakness in your computer security.

3. Pop-up AD :- It is a sort of advertisment that distrubs your web browser by appearing in separate browser window.

4. Keylogger :- It is a type of software that records keystrokes you make to enter the data in the computer in a hidden browser.

5.Cookies :- A cookies is a small text  message that a web browser stores on your PC to keep track of website.

6.Virus :- Virus are program which are created deliberately to change the data.

7. spyware :- The program secertely gatrhers data from your PC, steals your password , display ads and takes control of your web browser.

Q.5 Answer in short.

1. What is Internet?
Ans :- Intenet is the one of the largest network that links million of computer all over the world.

2. What is the role of WWW in Internet?
Ans :- WWW is a massive storehouse of information resources pictures,sound and multimedia that can be accessed via the Internet.

3. What is the role of an ISP?
Ans :- Internet service provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee.

4. Why should we not save password of account in a particular website?
Ans :- We should not save password because its anyone else who uses your computer account from the site.

5.What do you mean by Digital Footprint?
Ans :- Everytime you surf the internet you leave a trail behind, known as digital footprint.

Q.6 Answer Briefly

1. What do you mean by protecting yourself from potential threats on the web?
Ans :- Protecting yourself means understanding and preventing a numbers of security and privacy promblems while using internet.

2.What is the function of IP address? Give an example.
Ans :- Internet protocol(IP) address is a sequence of numbers that uniquely identifies the location of each computer connected to the Internet. for example :-

3. How can we protect our computer from Hacking?
Ans :- We should make a strong password and change it frequently . Password should be atleast six character long and include at least 1 number , letter and special character.

4.What is Cyberbulling ? How will we prevent ourselves from it?
Ans :- Cyber bulling is a harassment which include sending threatning message spread rumours make harsh comment, posting embrassing etc. Never give your password and personal information to unknown person.

5.What is Social Engineering? What are its preventive measures?
Ans :- Social engineering is the art of convincing people to reveal confidential information prevention :-
1. Verify the identity of the person.
2. Avoid using public computer

6. Write any two roles of parent and teachers in protecting the children in the virtual world.
Ans :-
(1)Parent/teacher should advice children to play only those online games which are suitable for their age.
(2) They should advise children to make a strong password for every site.

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