Considered the following table Hospital

– > How to create a Database.

Solution :- 

Create database hospital;

-> How to show Databases.

Solution :- 

show databases;

->How to select database.


Solution :- 

use hospital;

-> How to Create table for Hospital.

Solution :-

create table hospital(
PNO int primary key not null,
name varchar(100) not null,
age int,
department varchar(100),
DOA date,
charges int,
gender varchar(1));

->How to see the structure of the database.

Solution :- 

desc hospital;

-> How to insert data into table Hospital.

Solution :- 

insert into hospital values(1,”Mayank”,65,”Surgery”,’2018-02-23′,600,’M’);
insert into hospital values(2,”Babita”,24,”ENT”,’2019-01-01′,400,’F’);
insert into hospital values(3,”Kashish”,45,”Orthopaedic”,’2018-12-19′,400,’M’);
insert into hospital values(4,”Tarun”,12,”Surgery”,’2018-10-01′,600,’M’);
insert into hospital values(5,”Manisha”,36,”ENT”,’2018-02-24′,400,’F’);
insert into hospital values(6,”Imran”,16,”ENT”,’2018-02-24′,400,’M’);
insert into hospital (PNO,name,Department,DOA,charges,gender)values(7,”Ankita”,”Cardiology”,’2018-08-20′,800,’F’);
insert into hospital values(8,”Zoya”,45,”Gynecology”,’2019-01-13′,500,’F’);
insert into hospital values(9,”Kush”,19,”Cardiology”,’2019-01-13′,800,’M’);
insert into hospital values(10,”Shalini”,65,”Surgery”,’2018-02-23′,300,’F’);

->To Show all the information about the patient of the cardiology department.

Solution :- 

Select * from hospital where department = ‘Cardiology’;

-> To list the names of female patients who are either in the orthopedic or surgery department.

Solution :- 

Select name from hospital where gender =’F’ and (Department=’Orthopaedic’ or Department=’surgery’);

-> To list the names of all the patients with their DOA in ascending order.

Solution :- 

select name, DOA from hospital order by DOA;

-> To display the patient name , charges, the age for female patient only.

Solution :- 

Select name ,charges, age from hospital where gender=’F’;

-> To count the number of patients with age > 30.

Solution :- 

Select count(age) from hospital where age >30;

-> To display various departments.

Solution :- 

Select distinct (department) from hospital;

-> To display the number of patients in each department.

Solution :- 

Select department,count(department) from hospital group by department;

-> To display the detials of all the patients whose name starts with the alphabet ‘Z’.

Solution :- 

Select * from hospital where name like ‘Z%’;

-> To change the age of the patient kush to 20.

Solution :- 

update hospital set age = 20 where name =’Kush’;

-> To increase the charges of all the patients by 5%.

Solution :- 

update hospital set charges = charges + (charges * 5)/100;

->To remove the record of the patient whose name is Tarun.

Solution :- 

Delete from hospital where name=’Tarun’;

-> To add another column DocName(Doctor Name) of the type varchar in the above table.

Solution :- 

Alter table hospital add DocName varchar(20);

-> To display patient detail whose age is missing(null).

Solution :- 

Select * from hospital where age is Null;

->To decrease the charges by 5% of all the patients admitted to the ENT department.

Solution :- 

update hospital set charges = charges-(charges*5)/100 where department =’ENT’;

-> To insert a new row in the hospital table with the following data : 11,’Karan’,37,’ENT’,’2018-02-25′,300,’M’.

Solution :- 

insert into hospital values(11,’Karan’,37,’ENT’,’2018-02-25′,300,’M’,’abc’);

-> To set charges to NULL for all the patients in the surgery department.

Solution :- 

update hospital set charges = NULL where department =’Surgery’;

-> To display pateient details who are giving charges in the range 300 and 400.

Solution :- 

Select * from hospital where charges between 300 and 400;

-> To display the details of that patient whose name second character contains ‘a’

Solution :- 

Select * from hospital where name like ‘_a%’;

-> To display total charges of ENT Department.

Solution :- 

Select sum(charges)from hospital where Department=’ENT’;

-> To Display details of the patients who admitted in the year 2019.

Solution :- 

Select * from hospital where year (DOA)= 2019;

-> To display the structure of the table hospital.

Solution :- 

desc hospital;