Class 2 Chapter 2 Quiz

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Which of the following allows specifying styles for the visual elements of the website ?

Which of the following is known as special symbol in the syntax of CSS ?

Which of the following are two main parts of CSS rule ?

Which of the following is an HTML element on which style can be applied ?

Which of the following is the syntax of CSS ?

Which of the following has developed JavaScript ?

Which of the following is a scripting language that allows adding programming to web pages ?

Which of the following is a scripting language that is simple, lightweight programming language that does not contain advanced programming functionalities ?

Which of the following tag is used to insert JavaScript code into an HTML page ?

Which of the following symbol signifies the start and end of a JavaScript block ?

Which of the following is a reusable block of code that performs a particular task ?

Which of the following statement is used to return a value in a function ?

Which of the following is generated by the browser due to interaction between the user and the web page ?

Which of the following is not an event ?

Which of the following is a container for storing data ?

Which of the following stands for BOM ?

Which of the following is the top level object in the browser object model ?

Which of the following stands for NaN ?

What is the full form of CSS?

_______ allows you to specify styles for the visual elements of thewebsite?

What is the use of CSS?

Which is the wrong statement for CSS?

________ is not the benefit of keeping style separate from the content?

........ can be used for the information to be put on internet?

........specifies the styles for the visual elements.

........ can be done using CSS?

_______sheet can be used to add special characters in thewebsite?

The syntax of CSS consists of special symbol known as.........?

A CSS rule has..........Main parts?

CSS syntax uses.......... Brackets?

________ is not the part of the CSS syntax?

_______ is taken as a selector?

Style can be applied to........ ?

CSS rules contain ......... Part?

........ is the wrong statement for the CSS syntax.

........ is the correct syntax of CSS?

As per our syllabus, using.......... Software CSS is created?

KompoZer default?

Using ........we can get confirmation that CSS is used by default by KompoZer?

How to open option dialog box in KompoZer?

........statement is wrong about the KompoZersoftware?

Cascade button is on........ toolbar of KompoZer?

While preparing a style, if a new file is opened and not saved by giving afilename then......... dialog box opens?

The element which is used to define Stylesheet rule that CSS Stylesheet dialog boxis under......... heading?

........ tab is not displayed on the right side of CSS Stylesheet dialogbox?

........section is used to give specific style to the HTML element?

........ button is clicked to insert an image as the background while preparing style?

........ tab displays the Stylesheet rule that is given to the element?

How many buttons are there in CSS Stylesheets to prepare style?

view is selected to see the source code of CSS Stylesheet?

_________ is false for CSS Stylesheet?

........ is the disadvantages of CSS?

_______ type of webpage is static?

Which company has developed the JavaScript?

_________ is a simple, lightweight programming language that does not contain the advanced programmingfunctionalities of language?

_________ controls appearance of the webpage?

What is the use of JavaScript in awebpage?

........ browser supports JavaScript?

JavaScript can be used for a......... in a webpage?

What type of a script isJavaScript?