1.State the basic units of the computer Name the subunits that make up the CPU, and give the function of each of the units.(2m) 2.What is Data capturing? (1m) 3.What is the difference between an interpreter and a compiler? (3m) 4.Name one open source Indian operating system. (1m) 5.Name the software required to make a computer functional. Write down its two primary functions.(2m) 6.Mention any browsers used for browsing the internet.(1m) 7. Who developed Python Programming Language ?Is Python an Object Oriented language? (2m) 8.Python is an interpreted high level language”. What does it mean to you? (2m) 9. What is the difference between interactive mode and script made in Python? (3m) 10.What are literals in Python? How many types of literals are allowed in Python? (2m) 11.What are data types ? What are Python’s built-in core data types ?(2m) 12.Why is Boolean considered a subtype of integers? (2m) 13.What do you mean by Syntax errors and Semantics errors? (2m) 14.What is an Exception? (1m) 15.What is the purpose of range() function ? Given one example.(2m) 16.Write a note on Decision making in Python? (5m) 17.Write a note on Python Loops?(5m)
Program 1. Create a Menu Driven Program press1 :- Write a Python program to check whether a number is even or odd. press2 :- Write a Python program to calculate profit or loss. press3 :- Write a Python program to check whether a number is negative, positive or zero. press4 :- Write a Python program to check whether a year is leap year or not. press5 :- Write a Python program to find Simple Interest and Compund Interest
2. Create a Menu Driven Program press1 :- Write a Python Program to Check Whether the given number is Palindrome or not. press2 :- Write a Python Program to Check Whether the given number is ArmStong or Not. Press3 :- Write a Python program to check Whether the number is prime or not.