All Tech at one spot
add = no1 + no2
sub = no1 – no2
mul = no1 * no2
div = no1 / no2
mod = no1 % no2
exp = no1 ** no2
print(“The Sum of two number is :- “,add)
print(“The Sub of two number is :-“,sub)
print(“The mul of two number is :-“,mul)
print(“The div of two number is :-“,div)
print(“The mod of two number is :-“,mod
print(“The Exp of two number is :-“,exp)
print(“The Sum of 2 number is :- “,add)
no1 = float(input(“Enter the First number :-“))
no2 = float(input(“Enter the Second number :-“))
print(“The mod of two number is :-“,mod)